27th September 2024
Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 11:11am
This week we have learnt about people who help us - police officers, fire fighters, vets, doctors, nurses, mums, dads, grandparents, teachers, farmers!
Next week we are going to focus more on how farmers help us, and how this links to Harvest. We'll be learning some harvest songs to share with you at home!
In maths we have been learning how to count accurately by touching objects or even moving them from one place to another, our class puppet Mr Bear isn't very good at counting so the children have been showing him how to do this properly! We've learnt the song 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive to help us to recognise how many fingers to show as we count - you can watch it here. Mr Tumble is also showing us the signs for Makaton in this song. We made counting wands to help us with our 1:1 counting, making sure we don't miss any objects!
We've been reading the story Juniper Jupiter and have made superhero masks, designed our own superheroes with different powers and even thought about how the people who help us are real life superheroes! You can lsiten to the story here
Next week we will be learning the sounds m, d and g in phonics and retelling our own superhero story in english! We're also going to be looking for signs that Autumn is on the way so if you find any then add photos to Tapestry or bring the leaves/conkers etc into school!