Forest School

At Over Hall Community School we have a camp area within our grounds where the children have access to Forest School sessions. Forest School sessions happen in a positive and enjoyable way by exploring, being creative and learning through play. The children learn about their natural environment by simply being in it, they are encouraged to develop independence, improve their decision making and problem solving, raise self-esteem, teambuild and to manage risks, all of which is done in a safe and practical way.

What do the children do at Forest Schools?

  • Forest games
  • Build dens and shelters
  • Design and create natural art
  • Team tasks
  • Explore the natural living environment
  • Share stories
  • Woodwork and using tools
  • Fire lighting and fire safety
  • Cook on an open fireScreenshot 2023-04-13 09.10.28.png

Forest School provides the children with a specialised learning approach that sits within, and compliments, the wider context of outdoor and woodland education.

There are many benefits to Forest School:

  • Develop physical abilities and help participants to stay active and healthy.
  • Heighten self-awareness and improve emotional and social skills.
  • Promote co-operative and group working.
  • Encourage children to take care of themselves and others.
  • Foster care, appreciation and respect for wildlife and wild places.
  • Broaden knowledge and understanding of the natural world.
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