Reception - Apple Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Marshall
Welcome to Reception Apple Class Homepage!
'Be supported, feel supported - make a difference'
Class Teacher: Miss Marshall
Teaching Support: Miss Smith & Mrs York
Follow our class blog by clicking here.
Welcome to our information page where you will find key information typical to our class.
Class Dojo is used for to communicate any key information about our class or, indeed, the whole school. It is important you download this onto your phones to keep up to date. If you require school to know something about your child please phone school on 01606 663650 or email Do not hesitate in contacting us to share any key news or information regarding the welfare of your child – only together can we make a difference.
In order to ensure your child is ready for school each day please make sure they are
- Wearing their school uniform/school PE kit. Our class PE days are Monday and Friday.
- Wearing appropriate black flat shoes/trainers.
- Carry their school book bag with reading book and reading record
- Carry their water bottle (water only due to allergies of others)
- Bring a healthy snack for break time if you wish
Our topics this term
You will find the information in our knowledge organisers regarding the topics we have, are or will be studying this academic year. These include the key areas of learning, vocabulary and, of course, how this links to our prior learning. This will help you as parents to see what we need to know and provide any possible support.
Home learning (homework)
Home learning activities are set to compliment the learning completed in class and sometimes as an introduction to forthcoming activities in class.
Home learning will be set weekly on a Monday to be completed by Friday each week. This will include phonics, maths and understanding the world. A typical amount of time spent on these each night can be calculated by the age of your child multiplied by 2 e.g., a child aged 6 would be expected to spend approximately 12 minutes (a range of 10-20 minutes each day and this does not have to be in one sitting). A child aged 10 would be expected to spend approximately 20 minutes ( a range of 20-30 minutes)
It is important for every child to read regularly at home (ideally five but at least three times a week for approximately 10 minutes). This can be done aloud to a family member, shared or even modelled (reading aloud to your child), enjoying a book, magazine or any reading material together.
Phonics - In Reception/Year 1/Year 2 (and throughout KS1), we teach phonics to support early reading and spelling. We follow Floppy’s Phonics. Our children are regularly assessed to match their reading skills to the correct reading books to appropriately challenge them and we use the Oxford Reading Tree scheme to engage our children and ensure well matched books to the programme of study. When we tackle a new phoneme a new sheet will be sent home so that they can show you what they have been learning and you can practice at home. Practice reading and writing these words.
Typical spelling lists may include any of the following age-related spellings. These are included here as your child could practice reading and spelling previously learned words and attempt words they are expected to read/spell in future years.
Key Information:
If your child needs prescribed medication, we will require parental consent by completeing a medical form. Contact school in advance of the start date to request the paperwork which can be completed on our Health & Medical page. We will only be able to administer the medication upon receiving this completed information. Please provide, at the main office, the medication in the original box that has the child’s name printed at the pharmacy.
Click on the link for information on Tree Tops After School Club
Click on the link for information on Early Birds Breakfast Club
Files to Download
Reception - Apple Class: Calendar items
Reception Class PE Day, by Ms Clews
School Closes, by Ms Clews
Easter Holidays - School Closed, by Ms Clews