Religious Education

Teaching Religious Education at Over Hall Community School

'Be supported, feel supported - make a difference'

Religious Education lead: Miss Stanley

Our Intent for Our Religion and World Views Curriculum

At Over Hall, we value the importance of RE in order to develop an individual’s knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society. We understand how RE also contributes to our pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society. Through the teaching of RE, we want to our pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

We follow the Cheshire West and Chester Agreed Syllabus. Some of the relevant documents can be found attached. All other guidance is freely available. Click here. It is designed to meet the content requirements of the agreed syllabus and many of our lessons are also used in other CWAC schools. There is a set amount of time specified in the agreed syllabus for each religion.

We aim to ensure that all pupils:

  • To develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other religions and consider how the beliefs of others impact on their lives and the lives of others.
  • To encourage children to ask and reflect on challenging questions.
  • To provide opportunities for personal reflection where children can explore their own beliefs (not necessarily religious).
  • To encourage children to be respectful and well informed members of society, celebrating diversity and understanding differences.

Please visit the attached files below to view our Long Term Plan, RE Policy and CWAC documents which we use.


Our Implementation for Our Religion and World Views Curriculum

Our RE lessons are based on a big question each half term, we make connections and collect clues to help us to answer the big question. We use concepts as a focus for our lessons and use key words to develop religious literacy and equip us with the skills we need to discuss religion. 

Religious Education in Key Stage One is taught for 50 minutes per week and 60 minutes per week in Key Stage Two. In Early Years children will encounter Religion and World Views through stories, using specific words, special books, places, objects, events and where possible visiting places of worship and meeting believers. Children in EYFS will explore festivals and special events throughout the year, allowing children to develop a sense of wonder, curiosity and empathy for the world around them. Across school, we will be exploring and gaining knowledge on various events and festivals across the year. 

Additional EYFS opportunities are part of their themed weeks led by the class teacher, e.g. Christmas, Diwali, Chinese New Year

Assessment is in made in accordance with medium term plans and meet the Essential Knowledge requirements of the local agreed syllabus. Each set of lesson plans contain a series of learning check 
ins to support the teacher in making a teacher judgement, which will then be recorded onto Insight. Throughout the year there will be opportunities for assessment and examples of work are in the 
class books. We do not use individual books to record our work as we are developing the skills needed to access Religious Education such as discussions, debates and collaboration. Each class has their own RE book to show the journey of learning across the year. Teachers keep work from each child in a seperate assessment folder. 

A number of assessment strategies will be employed to assess a child as we often find that deeper learning is demonstrated through lessons which are not restricted to literacy skills. We will be allowing children to showcase their knowledge in various ways, providing opportunities to unpack concepts through drama, art and ICT.

We currently learn about Christianity, Islam and Judaism in Key Stage One. In Key Stage, we learn about Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and Judaism in Key Stage Two.  Across the Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, we have introduced a School Values unit. Children will explore the following values in detail:

  • Safety and Sensitivity
  • Understanding
  • Pride
  • Patience
  • Ownership
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Enjoyment
  • Determination

Our Religious Education prepares children for a life in a multicultural society by reflecting the ongoing attitudes listed below in our lessons.

  • Self Esteem
  • Curiosity
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Empathy
  • Wonder
  • Open-mindedness
  • Working with others
  • Sense of Community

At Over Hall, we would like all children to visit three different places of worship before leaving Year 6. Our Religious Education helps us to learn to be a member of a diverse society. Such experiences include: Performing at the local church over the Christmas period by taking part in a Carol Concert, Years 5 take part in the Winsford Education Partnership Christmas Cantata in December as well as our key stage one and EYFS Nativity performances. We also have a strong relationship with our local Church with the Reverend regularly visiting classes to support with learning alongside supporting in assemblies. 

Within our RE lessons, we encourage children to look into different lenses to help them understand the world around us. We may often refer to our lenses to help us answer from someone else's point of view which develops our empathy. We are often thinking about how we are developing our learning as Theologians (when working to make connections in sacred texts), Philosophers (when thinking deeply about puzzling questions which can include our own world view) and Sociologists (when learning about how a belief in shown in practice as part of a community which includes worship and festivals.)  

The curriculum policy for RE can be found in the linked files below.


Our Impact for Our Religion and World Views Curriculum

Through our teaching and learning of religious education, pupils have a positive view of the subject and are able to enthusiastically communicate their knowledge of world religions. Pupils will feel confident in their ability to accept, value and support others and the faiths they chose to follow. Through our collabortive work, class debates and learning activities, the children learn in a fun, interactive way - ensuring sticky learning of key concepts and vocabulary. Children will develop attitudes that allow them to tolerate, empathise and respect religious beliefs and tradditions of others. 

Specific skills for Religious Education will have been developed including;


  • retelling religious stories
  • recognising symbols
  • sharing my opinions
  • asking questions
  • responding positively to differences and similarities 


  • making connections between words of wisdom
  • can reflect on their own values and those of a believer
  • can understand different ways of life and ways to express meaning
  • can ask and have the skills to answer, ultimate and ethical questions from their viewpoint and that of a believer
  • develop a local and global perspective of diversity
  • discuss issues and support the development of community cohesion

If you require any further information please see the specific year groups curriculum overview, speak with a class teacher or to Miss Burton, the RE coordinator. 

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