Sports Premium
The introduction of Sport Premium from the Departments for Health, Education & Culture, Media and Sport has thrown a new focus on Physical Education, School Sport & Health within schools.
We aim to provide the best PE experience possible for all children. School sport and PE play a very important part in the life of Over Hall. We want to nurture a passion for life long sport, exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
We intend to:
- Improve the quality of PE & Games in school (Through staff training and links with outside providers),
- Boost participation and enjoyment in the subject (Through exciting lessons, Intra and Inter competitions)
- Ensure that children are actively involved in school sport (Through children’s surveys on which sports they would like and provide the children with a range of sporting activities throughout the day)
- Develop key PE skills (Through lessons, club links and competitions)
- Encourage children to adopt Healthy Lifestyles (Through Change4life tips and the curriculum)
We believe that PE and school sport contribute to the holistic development of our children and through participation, our children build and learn more about key values such as respect, co-operation and kindness for themselves and others.
We want the children to be the best that they can be!
Over Hall Community School were granted £16,000 of Sports Premium money this academic year plus approximately £10 for every pupil in KS1&2 (150 at £10 - £1550) . This gave us a total of £17,550.
The document below shows how PE and Sports Premium Funding is spent at Over Hall Community School and the impact it has.