Starting Primary School

Cheshire West & Chester are the local authority for Over Hall Community School for more information on school admissions click here

**Children born between the 1st September 2020 and the 31st August 2021 are normally due to start School for the first time in September 2025**

Starting Primary School

Starting School is a such a huge step for both the child but even more so for their parents/carers. There are many practical ways in which you can help your child before starting school. These include:
  • Visiting the school yourself so that you can talk first hand about what you have seen.
  • Talking to your child in a positive way about school in general, and what to expect.
  • Making sure that your child knows what his or her belongings look like (lunchboxes, water bottles, clothing etc.) and make sure they are clearly named.
  • Arranging for them to attend a nursery so that they have experience being away from their main carer.
  • Ensuring that your child speaks in full sentences and asks for things appropriately.
  • Being able to ask for and use the toilet on their own.
  • Teaching them to use a knife and fork.
  • Encourage them to talk about their experiences.
  • Providing opportunities for your child to play with other children, playing taking in turn games and encouraging them to share.
  • Reading with your child regularly. Children who have been reading before entry into school tend to develop faster their own reading and writing skills.
Many of the teething problems which can occur when settling into school can be avoided by teaching your child how to do tasks independently.
All children in Reception will be set appropriate homework tasks and will have reading books to take home. The homework tasks are set for you and your child to do together. This home/school partnership is very important for the child's development.
For more information on getting your child ready for Primary School please click here for the School Readiness Booklet
All admissions must be made through Cheshire West and Chester, our local Authority.
Before making your application, it is important you view the Cheshire West and Chester Starting School Information Booklet 
Applicants resident in another English authority must apply to their home local authority even if applying for a school within Cheshire West and Chester.
*Closing date for applications is 15th January 2025*
To apply, you need to create an account and follow the online application process, please click on the following link to start the application process Reception Class Admissions
Online applicants will be able to log in to their accounts at a set date and time to view the outcome of their application.
School Visits and Transition
Parents/Carers are invited to make arrangments to visit Over Hall to see the magic happening first hand!
Staff at Over Hall will be contacting all parents/carers of children who have accepted a place at Over Hall as soon as we have access to the information - this is subject to the local Authority sharing it with schools. If you have any queries in the meantime please do not hesitate in contacting school where we will endeavour to answer all of your questions.
Staff will arrange a visit to see you and your child in the home where they feel most comfortable. There will be information evenings and coffee mornings arranged providing time for you to visit, collect information and ask as many questions as you like.
If your child already attends S4YC Over Nursery (situated on site) the transition will have already started taking place as they often spend time with us in school ensuring they are ready for school life.
Starting school in September 2025:
  • 1st September 2024
Application process starts - online application facility open. Apply Here
  • 15th January 2025
Closing date for applications
  • 16th April 2025
Online applicants can view the school place offered by logging into their online account
  • 21st May 2025
Closing date for appeal applications
  • By 23rd July 2025
Appeal hearings for on time applicants