Spring - Creative Curriculum

We are continuing our learning journey in school and are really developing a love of reading - see the videos of us reading our favourte texts for World Book Day!

We learnt all about LS Lowry and how he lived in Manchester and painted scenes of what he saw around him.

In English we read two books, Rapunzel and Where The Wild Things Are. These were great and we wrote instructions, stories and character descriptions.

In Maths we looked at numbers to 50, we learnt how to add and subtract, write number sentences, how to compare numbers and how to use symbols to show greater than, less than and equal to. We  loved looking at capacity, mass and weight. 

In Science we learnt about animals, sorting them into different groups - amphibians, mammals, fish, birds and reptiles. We learned what invertibrate means too!

In phonics we have started to learn about alternative sounds for graphemes. We have been applying these in our reading and our writing. 

In Geography and History we learnt about our beach holidays thorugh time and climates around the world. 


We are starting to think about Year 2, and getting ready for that during the summer term.